Oct 14, 2007

camera obscura exhibition

My part of the catalogue of the camera obscura (pinhole) exhibition in Wilhelmsburg, for more info you can visit http://obscuristen.de/

Oct 1, 2007

2 months...

una envoltura de sobado abstrahida

sorry for the delay, meanwhile i can walk again! two weeks in Barcelona, lots of visits from and to friends i cherish very much, museums, galleries, exhibitions, and learning from everywhere i can. that about sums up these last two months a little.

for the photography friends I've stumbled upon a new kind of picture trimmer/ expander/ (de)former/ etc. it's name is the resizer and the logo below is a link to its page where one can directly edit pictures, try it out.

i'll be back a little sooner next time, i promise....time flies by....