Nov 17, 2008

Vordiplom #1: Marseille

Dazzled lady selling military antiques

Multi cultural society

Switched roles

Marseille's streets

Let Your phantasy go

Little angel

Fair in evening light

At the butcher's

This is the first part of my Vordiplom ("Pre-"Diploma).

A couple of co students from the Hamburg Art School (HFBK) and I participated in a two week exchange program with the Marseille Art School (ESBAM). We travelled there in the end of 2006 and they came here in April 2007. Our end goal was to exhibit our pictures together. I decided to create a personal portrait of the city, regarding my impressions, experiences and Marseille's impact on me.

I recommend viewing the photographs in full view (by clicking on them) to identify some details that get lost in the thumbnail.

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